Michael Tavolieri


Michael V. Tavolieri is a final year medical student at University College Cork with an interest in Sexual Health. Michael began his academic training in neuro-cognition, and completed a Bachelors of Science in the Behavior, Cognition, and Neuroscience program at the University of Windsor in Windsor, Canada. He then pursued a Master’s degree at the Western University in London, Canada investigating the molecular mechanisms underlying the pathogenesis of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis under the mentorship of Dr. Michael J. Strong, the current President of the Canadian Institutes of Health Research. He began his Medical School education in 2019 and, as the world’s attention turned towards the impact of infectious diseases, Michael began expanding his attention towards a possible career outside of neurology. Today, Michael hopes to pursue a career in general practice with an emphasis on Sexual Health as a way of bridging interest in infectious disease with his compassion and connection to marginalized groups in Canada, including the LGBTQ community.

Link to ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4218-8107

Link to Citations: https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=L8yvSD8AAAAJ&view_op=list_works&gmla=AJsN-F5oJI9acVcEu9THVEBoQ3zzzMy7TlWX4W6n3JOUbATw4Zz-FnVu1WRhbr6_mQ8zLf93orzA0s4f8b0MbgY4oDSLd9pvScvl_EqpT2PEpPMUOT6niQk

Link to Publons:https://publons.com/wos-op/researcher/4474729/michael-tavolieri/

Web of Science ResearcherID  AAP-5673-2021