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IJMS World Conference of Medical Student Research, Oct 26th, 2024

The International Journal of Medical Students (IJMS) has a longstanding history of uninterrupted operation, with its primary objective being to function as a prominent platform for the dissemination of scientific research among early-career scientists in the field of medicine. This extends beyond the customary dissemination of scholarly papers to facilitate the active involvement of medical students in research endeavors and offering them a medium to showcase their findings.

In order to maintain the global promotion of medical student research, the IJMS has made the decision to host a virtual research conference. This conference will provide an opportunity for medical students and recent medical school graduates (within three years of graduation) to present their research findings to an international audience.

The IJMS places significant emphasis on recognizing the significance of early-career scientists within the field of medical research. The IJMS aims to offer a platform for researchers to showcase their work and receive recognition from their peers through an upcoming conference. The objective of medical students convening and exchanging their research experiences is to foster a heightened level of involvement in research among medical students and to advance the worldwide empowerment of medical students in terms of research proficiency and aptitude. Based on current information, it appears that there are currently no international research conferences specifically tailored for medical students available on platforms like the IJMS. Additionally, there is a lack of conferences organized and managed by medical student organizations. However, the forthcoming conference endeavors to address this gap in the field.



  • The Top 10 presentations will be awarded: a certificate and the opportunity to have a fast-track peer-reviewing process of their full paper towards publication in an issue of the IJMS
    • Award: 1st, 2nd and 3rd place for Best Research Presentation at the WCMSR based on judge score.
    • Award: 1st and 2nd place for Best Case Report presentation at the WCMSR based on judge scores.
    • Award: 1st, 2nd and 3rd place for highest score during the abstract revision process for original research.
    • Award: 1st and 2nd place for highest score during the abstract revision process for case reports.
    • Award: Most-liked by the public.
  • All the abstracts accepted for presentation in the WCMSR will be published in the Supplement of the Volume of the year in course in the second week of December, each with its own digital object identifier (DOI).

Read more at: https://ijms.info/IJMS/article/view/1580


WCMSR Editions : IJMS World Conference of Medical Student Research 

3rd  IJMS WCMSR: October 26th, 2024

  • Director: Omar Aljbour, Islamic University of Gaza, Palestine
  • Abstract Managing Committee: 
    • Marsha Zacharia, Sree Uthradom Thirunal Academy of Medical Sciences, India
    • Hanna Sebesi, George Emil Palade University of Medicine, Pharmacy, Science and Technology of Târgu Mureș, Romania
    • Sajjad Ahmed Khan, Birat Medical College Teaching Hospital, Nepal
    • Faisal Nageyle, University of Nairobi, Kenya
  • Director of Logistics:Chloe Carrington, University of Queensland-Ochsner, Australia


IJMS WCMSR Handbooks:

Booklet IJMS WCMSR #1

IJMS WCMSR info-session:

Navigating the Conference: