Rita Fernanda Campo Jimenez


Fifth-year medical student at the Rafael Nuñez University Corporation in Cartagena, Colombia. He is part of the seedbed of the Nuñista medicine research group (GINUMED). Current national official of evaluation and scientific development of the Association of Scientific Societies of medical students of Colombia and former president of the Scientific Association of medical students of the Rafael Nuñez University Corporation.

Fifth year medical student at the Rafael Nuñez University Corporation. Cartagena Colombia. It is part of the Nuñista medicine research group (GINUMED). Current national evaluation and scientific development officer of the Association of Scientific Societies of Colombian medical students and former president of the Scientific Association of medical students of the Corporación Universitaria Rafael Nuñez.

Link to ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3990-8660

Link to ASCEMCOL: https://www.ascemcol.org/

Link to Instragram: https://instagram.com/ascemcol?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= https://instagram.com/acemuninunez?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=