This is an outdated version published on 2022-06-30. Read the most recent version.

A Comparison of Australian and American Medical School Admission Experiences




Premedical student, Medical student, Medical school, Medical education


Attaining admission into medical school has been described as a very competitive process by successful matriculants. The processes that medical schools use to classify applicants can greatly differ among institutions. These systemic differences flow over onto the applicant level, such that individuals from different geographic regions can have varied and diverse application experiences depending on local medical school admissions protocols. This piece compares the medical school admission processes of Australia and the United States of America, in the form of a narrative recount of a successful medical school matriculant in each country, with the individual experiences of matriculants from alternative pathways blended into the piece. The authors discovered significant differences in admissions protocols between the two countries, with the greatest differences revolving around admissions exams, applicant profile (high school students versus college students), degree types, and alternative entrance pathways.


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2022-04-25 — Updated on 2022-06-30


How to Cite

Ding, J. B., Xiao, X. L., Merhavy, Z. I., Fahim, D., Merhavy, C. E., & Varkey, T. C. (2022). A Comparison of Australian and American Medical School Admission Experiences. International Journal of Medical Students, 10(2), 212–214.