Key aspects of an effective surgical curriculum for medical students


  • Arthur C. O. Okonkwo
  • Okechukwu C. Okonkwo ST4 Ear Nose and Throat Surgeon, North Manchester General Hospital,Delauanays Road, Manchester, M8 5RB, United Kingdom.







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Author Biography

Arthur C. O. Okonkwo,

: Arthur is a final (6th) Year Medi¬cal Student at Newcastle University, United King¬dom and he has achieved a Master’s by Research in Transplantation (with Dis¬tinction) from Newcastle University. During this de¬gree he won a fellowship from Kidney Research UK and was shortlisted in the top 10 for the Royal Socie¬ty of Medicine’s Student Researcher of the year 2012/2013.


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How to Cite

O. Okonkwo, A. C., & C. Okonkwo, O. (2014). Key aspects of an effective surgical curriculum for medical students. International Journal of Medical Students, 2(2), 78–79.