Innovating Against Odds: A Medical Student's Research Journey in a Resource-Constrained Environment



Medical Students, Research, Ethics Committees, Resilience, Failure, Workplace, Professional Burnout


"You need not know the R in Research to embark on the journey; a strong motivation is enough to set things in motion and let the journey unfold naturally." In this article, I share my journey as a medical student starting research in a Resource-Constrained Environment. I talk about the learning curve, milestones, setbacks, and presenting my research work. I've created a simple guide for fellow students in similar situations to do impactful research. Beyond studies, the shared journey with my research partner formed a lasting bond, showing how teamwork fosters understanding and innovation. I also discuss institutional barriers, especially the toxic research culture not talked about much. I stress the importance of raising awareness about these challenges for medical students and the need for a supportive and ethical research environment. It's crucial to create a space where aspiring researchers can thrive without unethical practices, emphasizing the value of knowledge pursuit over personal ambitions.


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McKenna HP. Toxic research cultures: The what, why and how. Int J Nurs Stud [Internet]. 2023;140(104449):104449. Available from:




How to Cite

Rajakumar, H. K. (2024). Innovating Against Odds: A Medical Student’s Research Journey in a Resource-Constrained Environment. International Journal of Medical Students. Retrieved from