Don't miss the best moments of the first IJMS World Conference of Medical Student Research

Did you miss the WCMSR, no worries, here you can find the highlights:
If you missed the first IJMS World Conference of Medical Student Research (WCMSR) let us tell you that early career scientists from more than 30 countries were gathered to share their research results and their inputs to global medical research. We are also announcing the top-scored abstracts and presentations and you can watch them by author and topic on our YouTube channel.
These were the winners of the WCMSR celebrated last November 12th, 2022. Please join us in congratulating them for their amazing work and efforts::
- Most liked by public:
- Medical Students’ Attitudes and Influential Factors Towards Conducting Medical Research, Bassam AlRajhi, Junior Medical Student, King Saud bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Watch here
- Higher score during the abstract revision process for original research
- TIE: 3rd place.Health-care Seeking Pathways Of Psychiatry Patients In North Karnataka Of India - A Hospital-based: Exploratory Cross-sectional Study. Md Alinawaz Khan, Third-year MBBS student, S. N. Medical College & HSK Hospital, Bagalkot, Karnataka, India. Watch here
- TIE: 3rd place. Gender Differences in Attitude and Barriers to Research by Medical Undergraduate Students in Nigeria. Okwunze Kenechukwu Franklin, Mr, College Research Innovation Hub, University of Ibadan, Nigeria. Watch here
- 2nd place. The Impact of COVID-19 on People’s Access to Healthcare and Health Behavior in a sample of Indian Population: A Cross-sectional Study. Dr. Manisha Kanumuri, Intern, Mediciti Institute of Medical Sciences, India. Watch here
- 1st place. Correlation between Placental Histomorphology and Umbilical Cord Coiling Index in Preeclampsia. Cyrus Kimanthi. Fourth year medical student, BSc Anat. Department of Human anatomy, University of Nairobi, Kenya. Watch here
- Higher score during the abstract revision process for case reports:
- 2nd place. Harlequin Color Change in a Neonate Positive to Covid-19: Case Report. Esther Pinel Guzmán, 5th-year medical student, School of Medicine, Universidad Católica de Honduras, Tegucigalpa. Honduras. Watch here
- 1st place. Peroneal Nerve Injury due to Hip Surgery Located at the Knee Level: A Case Report. Aleksa Mićić MD, Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia, Department of Peripheral Nerve Surgery, Functional Neurosurgery and Pain Management Surgery, Clinic for Neurosurgery, University Clinical Centre of Serbia, Belgrade, Serbia. Watch here
- Awards for best case report presentation at the WCMSR based on judge scores
- 2nd place: A Case Report of Rare Type of Chorea with Hypoxic-Ischemic Insult. Roohi kolte, 6th year MBBS student, O.O. Bogomolets national medical university, kyiv, Ukraine. Watch here
- 1st place: Hypercoagulability and Cavernous Sinus Thrombosis due to Protein C Deficiency. A Case Report. Wilson Sebastian Peñafiel Pallares, medical student form Universidad de las Américas, Quito, Ecuador. Watch here
- Awards for best research presentation at the WCMSR original research based on judge score
- 3rd place: Determining the ability of the vision, aphasia, and neglect (VAN) stroke scale to identify large vessel occlusion strokes within the prehospital setting: a prospective cohort study Lydia Leavitt, 4th year medical student at University of Illinois, USA. Watch here
- 2nd place: Efficacy of Rectal Misoprostol versus Oxytocin on Reducing Blood Loss during Cesarean Section: A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Clinical Trials Ahmed Soliman, Dr, Faculty of Medicine, Mansoura University, Mansoura, Egypt. Watch here
- 1st place: Morphometry of Placentae of Anaemia and Non-anaemic Preeclamptic Patients. Mohamed Onyango. BSc. Human Anat (Hons), HMX. Kenya. Watch here
Below you can find the full schedule of the WCMSR:
- 00:00 Welcoming message WCMSR
- 01:02 Introduction to the WCMSR
- 06:51 Choudhary et al. Macrophage activation sd in adult-onset Still's disease
- 17:05 Marinescu et al. PMA-treatment of human Monocytes induces M1 phenotype in adherent Macrophages
- 39:03 Hnin Htet et al. Unilateral lower limb amputations from traumatic events
- 53:05 Bohsas et al. Assessment awareness of breast cancer
- 1:06:27 Soliman et al. Efficacy of rectal misoprostol vs oxytocin on reducing c-section blood loss
- 1:17:01 Samhouri et al. Prepectoral vs Subpectoral direct-to-implant-based breast reconstruction
- 1:28:49 Kimanthi et al. Correlation between placental histomorphology & umbilical cord coiling index in preeclampsia
- 1:38:57 Onyango et al. Morphometry of placenta of anemic & non-anemic preeclamptic patients
- 1:49:09 Vasquez et al. Prenatal dx of a fetus with partial duplication & deletion of Chr18 due to maternal pericentric inversion 18
- 1:59:27 Acknowledgment 1st session Judges
- 2:14:15 Kong et al. Student perspective on e-learning in a Malaysian medical college 1-year into COVID-19
- 2:29:19 Kintan et al. Adverse effects of 3rd-dose modern vaccination for healthcare workers
- 2:41:36 Posego et al. Immigrant & refugee COVID-19 vaccination attitudes in Philadelphia
- 2:50:25 Kanumuri et al. The impact of COVID-19 on people's access to healthcare & health behavior
- 3:04:00 Alibrahim et al. Health care provider burnout in Syria during COVID-19 pandemic's Omicron wave
- 3:19:33 Imo et al. Epidemiological & clinical characteristics of COVID-19 related mortality
- 3:27:33 Pinel et al. Harlequin color change in a neonate positive to COVID-19
- 3:41:23 Albakri et al. Safety & immunogenicity of COVID-19 vaccines in patients with cancer
- 3:52:00 Al-Zamer et al. Awareness of clinical doctors & medical students towards monkeypox
- 4:02:44 Salazar et al. Toxoplasmosis-associated lymphadenopathy
- 4:13:50 Jabban et al. Assessment knowledge, attitude & practice towards tuberculosis among Syrian people
- 4:23:23 Acknowledgment 2nd session Judges
- 4:36:09 Chotechuang et al. The prevalence of Frank's sign & diagnostic accuracy in CAD among chest pain patients
- 4:47:09 Pattebahadur et al. Effects of anemia on cognitive ability in school-going adolescents
- 4:58:27 Khan et al. Health-care seeking pathways of psychiatric patients
- 5:08:18 Weerasekara et al. Prevalence & associated factors of psychological distress of patients with stroke
- 5:19:10 Osei-Junior et al. The role & impact of dyslexia awareness workshops in the medical curriculum
- 5:28:05 Leavitt et al. Determining the ability of the vision, aphasia, & neglect (VAN) stroke scale for strokes within prehospital setting
- 5:37:46 Kolte et al. A case report of rare type of chorea with hypoxic-ischemic insult
- 5:46:15 Rafique et al. Outcomes of vascular intervention in diabetic patients with peripheral arterial disease
- 5:57:39 Peñafiel et al. Hypercoagulability & cavernous sinus thrombosis due to protein C deficiency
- 6:09:23 Alibrahim et al. Syrian's knowledge of diabetes & hypertension management
- 6:19:56 Acknowledgment 3rd session Judges
- 6:42:58 Biswas et al. Authorship diversity in general surgery related Cochrane systematic reviews
- 6:52:21 AlRajhi et al. Medical students' attitudes & influential factors towards conducting medical research
- 7:03:45 Kenechukwu et al. Gender differences in attitude & barriers to research by medical undergrads
- 7:18:35 Wang et al. Mild traumatic brain injury: What can we learn from a qualitative study of patient perception following discharge
- 7:29:10 Lawal et al. Assessment of work practices & mental problems among filling station attendants
- 7:39:29 Gauger et al. Cholecystocolonic fistula: Need for further imaging
- 7:49:58 Treviño et al. Comparison of risk factors for developing liver fibrosis in metabolic syndrome
- 8:01:31 Mićić et al. Peroneal Nerve Injury due to Hip Surgery Located at the Knee Level
- 8:20:27 Jawish et al. Syrian Health Providers' Knowledge of Palliative Care
- 8:35:53 Bohsas et al. Syrian Obstetric Care Providers KAP Towards Preconception Care
- 8:45:20 Acknowledgment 4th session Judges
- 8:57:17 Awards ceremony