Don't miss the best moments of the 2023 IJMS World Conference of Medical Student Research

Did you miss the 2023 IJMS WCMSR? No worries, we've got you covered!
If you missed the IJMS World Conference of Medical Student Research (WCMSR) let us tell you that early career scientists from more than 30 countries were gathered to share their research results and their inputs to global medical research. We are also announcing the top-scored abstracts and presentations, and you can watch them by author and topic on our YouTube channel.
These were the winners of the WCMSR celebrated last October 7th, 2023. Please join us in congratulating them for their amazing work and efforts:
Most-liked Research Presentation Awarded by the public:
- Metanalysis of the diagnostic performance of western blot for the early diagnosis of congenital toxoplasmosis. Sebastián Serna Rivera, Second-year Medical Student. University of Quindío, Armenia, Colombia. Watch here
Special mention to the basic science study titled:
- Evaluation of the Role of Jyotishmati (Celastrus paniculatus Wild) Seed Oil in Animal Models of Alcohol Use Disorder. Alhad A Mulkalwar, MBBS. Intern, Seth Gordhandas Sunderdas Medical College and King Edward Memorial Hospital, Mumbai, India. Watch here
Highest score during the abstract revision process for Case Reports
- 2nd place. An Atypical Sellar Mass: Sellar Tuberculoma in a Young Patient -Case Report. Arwa Moiz Jamali, Final M.B.B.S Part -2, GMERS Medical College (Maharaja Sayajirao University), Vadodara ,India. Watch here
- 1st place. Fulminant Hepatic Failure as the Initial Presentation of Hodgkin's Disease and Liver Transplantation: A Case Report. Mauricio Alejandro Saldana-Ruiz, Social Service. Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social, Monterrey, México. Watch here
Highest score during the abstract revision process for Original Research
- TIE: 3rd place. Prevalence of Depression among Infertile Couples Attending a Tertiary-Care Infertility Clinic. Gayathri S Hari, Intern, Government Medical College, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India. Watch here
- TIE: 3rd place. The Stroke Riskometer App as an Educational Campaign in Outpatient Clinics and its Association with Knowledge of Stroke Warning Signs. Diego Alejandro Ortega-Moreno, Sixth-year Medical Student. Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, Monterrey, México. Watch here
- 2nd place. Knowledge, Attitude, And Factors Affecting Human Papilloma Virus Vaccine Uptake Among Female Undergraduate Students In Public Tertiary Institutions In Lagos State Nigeria. Elile Monisola Okoka, BSc, MSc, MBBS. Lagos State University College of Medicine, Ikeja, Nigeria. Watch here
- 1st place. Implementation of an Outbound Ambulatory Scheduling Team Reduces Disparities in Access to Pediatric Otolaryngology Care. Caleb Allred, BA, third-year medical student. Division of Pediatric Otolaryngology, Seattle Children's Hospital, Seattle, WA, USA. University of Washington School of Medicine, Seattle, WA, USA. Watch here
Award for best Case Report presentation at the WCMSR based on judge scores
- 2nd place. Combined Complex Gastroschisis, Bladder exstrophy and Pelvic organs Evisceration: A Rare Entity. Manuel Alejandro Vásquez Salguero, Fifth-year Medical Student. Universidad del Valle, Cali, Colombia. Watch here
- 1st place. A Rare Case of Candida parapsilosis Empyema Thoracis. Arielle E. Solomon, First-year Medical Student. Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center, New Orleans, USA. Watch here
Award for best Research Presentation at the WCMSR Original Research based on judge score.
- 3rd place. Are Female Undergraduates at the University of Calabar Equipped with the Knowledge, Positive Attitudes, and Effective Practices of Contraceptives?. Faithful Miebaka Daniel, MBBCH, University of Calabar, Calabar, Nigeria. Watch here
- TIE 2nd place. Implementation of an Outbound Ambulatory Scheduling Team Reduces Disparities in Access to Pediatric Otolaryngology Care. Caleb Allred, BA, third-year medical student. Division of Pediatric Otolaryngology, Seattle Children's Hospital, Seattle, WA, USA. University of Washington School of Medicine, Seattle, WA, USA. Watch here
- TIE 2nd place. Frontlines and Crossroads: The Impact of COVID-19 on the Motivations of Medical Students from Selected Philippine Medical Schools in Pursuing Their Medical Studies. Adriel Agunod Cheng, Medical Intern (Fifth Year). Ateneo School of Medicine and Public Health, Pasig City, Metro Manila, Philippines. Watch here
- TIE 2nd place. Clinical audit of electronic health records to identify prediabetic patients and compliance with ICGP Guidelines in their management. R. Castledine, Final-year medical student, University College Dublin, Dublin 4, Ireland. Watch here
- 1st place. The Role of Language Concordant Care on Increasing Parental Engagement in Shared Decision Making. Caleb Allred, BA, third-year medical student. Division of Pediatric Otolaryngology, Seattle Children's Hospital, Seattle, WA, USA. University of Washington School of Medicine, Seattle, WA, USA. Watch here
Below, you can find the full schedule of the WCMSR:
- 03:32 Welcoming message WCMSR
- 03:48 Introduction to the WCMSR: Dr. Prakash Gupta
- 07:58 Welcome message: Dr. Francisco J. Bonilla-Escobar
- 18:22 Raashed et al. A Comparative Cross-Sectional Study on the Prevalence of Impostor Phenomenon
- 29:45 Evaluation of the Role of Jyotishmati (Celastrus paniculatus Wild) Seed Oil in Animal Models
- 41:08 AlSamhori et al. The Stigma towards Seeking Help among Universities Students:
- 54:52 Jamali et al. An Atypical Sellar Mass: Sellar Tuberculoma in a Young Patient -Case Report
- 1:05:22 Barbălată et al. Dermatological Examination Training: Shaping Careers Through Hands-On Practice
- 1:14:06 Liew et al. The Comparative Efficacy of Anti-Amyloid and Non-Antiamyloid Drugs for Treatment
- 1:26:03 Bronchiectasis with Trans Mediastinal Herniation of Left Upper Lobe
- 1:34:28 Multilayer Perceptron Artificial Neural Networks and Tree Models as Multifactorial Binary Predictors
- 1:53:27 Gbuchie et al. Knowledge, Attitude and Use of Contraceptives among Women of Reproductive
- 2:20:07 Acknowledgment 1st session Judges
- 2:37:50 Hari et al. Prevalence of Depression among Infertile Couples Attending a Tertiary-Care Infertility Clinic
- 2:49:34 Multifocal Acquired Demyelinating Sensory and Motor Neuropathy (MADSAM)
- 2:59:27 Terzić et al. Intraoperative Complications in Cerebral Endovascular Aneurysmal Surgery
- 3:17:13 Tingey et al. Orthopaedic Surgery in the Metaverse: Current Data on Virtual-Reality Based Training
- 3:27:39 Cernătescu et al. Preliminary Insights into JWH182: a Synthetic Cannabinoid’s Neuroprotective Role
- 3:40:39 Medical Students With Dyslexia: What Are Their Experiences In Medical School
- 3:57:10 Review of Blood Cultures Taken From Arterial Lines in James Cook University Hospital
- 4:09:14 Musa et al. Sleep hygiene, mediating the association between circadian typology
- 4:17:11 Martínez et al. Surviving A Triple Coinfection In An HIV Patient: Tuberculosis Histoplasmosis And SARS-CoV-2
- 4:26:27 Okoka et al. Knowledge, Attitude, And Factors Affecting Human Papilloma Virus Vaccine
- 4:39:31 Taha et al. The Effect of the Psychiatric Co-Morbidities of Migraine in Medical University Students
- 4:44:34 Acknowledgment 2nd session Judges
- 5:08:50 Londoño et al. Overlap Syndrome Between Sjögren's Syndrome and Systemic Sclerosis
- 5:17:35 Castledine et al. Clinical audit of electronic health records to identify prediabetic patients
- 5:31:00 Serna et al. Metanalysis of the diagnostic performance of western blot for the early diagnosis
- 5:39:26 Faithful et al. Are Female Undergraduates at the University of Calabar Equipped with the Knowledge
- 5:51:45 Angarita et al. A Rare Complication of Chronic Otitis Media: Septic Thrombosis of the Transverse Sinus
- 6:04:08 Vásquez et al. Combined Complex Gastroschisis, Bladder exstrophy and Pelvic organs Evisceration
- 6:16:19 Zhou et al. Effects of Near-peer Motivational Interviewing Teaching on Greek Medical Students
- 6:28:38 Ortega-Moreno, et al. The Stroke Riskometer App as an Educational Campaign in Outpatient
- 6:42:40 Allred et al. The Role of Language Concordant Care on Increasing Parental Engagement
- 6:54:30 Acknowledgment 3rd session Judges
- 7:07:18 Tienda-López et al. Efficacy of Triple Prophylaxis for Prevention of Graft-Versus-Host Disease in Matched
- 7:20:58 AlSamhori et al. Medical Student Syndrome in Medical University students in Jordan
- 7:29:38 A Rare Case of Candida parapsilosis Empyema Thoracis
- 7:39:12 García et al. Frequency of Toxoplasma gondii cysts by immunofluorescence assay in human brain tissue of suicide
- 7:51:56 Hussain et al. Understanding Suicidal Behaviour and Distress in Young Muslim Canadians
- 8:02:09 Cheng et al. Frontlines and Crossroads: The Impact of COVID-19 on the Motivations of Medical Students from Selected Philippine
- 8:14:36 Shah et al. Report of Incidental Vulvar Malignant Melanoma Upon Dermatologic Evaluation for Vaginal
- 8:26:49 Allred et al. Implementation of an Outbound Ambulatory Scheduling Team Reduces Disparities
- 8:36:48 Saldaña-Rui et al. Fulminant Hepatic Failure as the Initial Presentation of Hodgkin's Disease
- 8:47:32 Acknowledgment 4th session Judges
- 9:03:15 Awards Ceremony
Information for the 2024 IJMS WCMSR is already posted. Be ready for it!
Submission period:
- Opens: June 1st, 2024
- Closes: August 31th, 2024
- Results of submission: September 28th, 2024
- Conference: October 26th, 2024