Ocular Auscultation: A Review


  • Daniel Fernando Gallego Intern, Human Biology Division, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, USA.
  • Ana Maria Rivas-Grajales Graduate Student, Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience, University College of London, UK.
  • Carlos Jose Gallego Acting instructor, Division of Medical Genetics, University of Washington, USA.




Auscultation, Physical Examination, Carotid Stenosis, Carotid-Cavernous, Sinus Fistula, Neurological Examination


Ocular auscultation is a commonly neglected step of routine physical examination. An adequate ocular auscultation can be helpful in discovering an ocular bruit, which is an important diagnostic finding for a broad spectrum of pathologic conditions, some of which are potentially fatal. In this article, we present a literature review on the physical exam maneuver of ocular auscultation, as well as the pathophysiology and differential diagnosis of ocular bruits. We also included a description of the adequate auscultation technique and a discussion about the applicability of ocular auscultation in clinical practice


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Author Biography

Daniel Fernando Gallego, Intern, Human Biology Division, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, USA.

Daniel Fernando Gallego is an intern at the Human Biology Division of the Fred Hutch Cancer Research Center in Seattle, Washington, United States.

Ana María Rivas-Grajales is a Graduate Student, Institute of Cognitive Neuros¬cience, University College of London, UK.


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How to Cite

Fernando Gallego, D., Rivas-Grajales, A. M., & Jose Gallego, C. (2015). Ocular Auscultation: A Review. International Journal of Medical Students, 3(2), 102–106. https://doi.org/10.5195/ijms.2015.125