To Stay at Port or to Go to Sea: Are Clinical Clerkships a Double-Edged Sword During the COVID-19 Pandemic? Where Do We Go From Here?


  • Mihnea-Alexandru Găman "Carol Davila" University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest, Romania
  • Paul MacDaragh Ryan University College Cork, Cork, Ireland
  • Francisco Javier Bonilla-Escobar University of Pittsburgh, PA, USA. Universidad del Valle, Cali, Colombia. Science to Serve the Community Foundation, SCISCO Foundation - Fundación SCISCO, Colombia.



Medical education, Pandemic, COVID-19, Clinical Clerkships, Editorial, Vaccine, Fecal-oral transmision, SARS-CoV-2, Medical students


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How to Cite

Găman, M.-A., Ryan, P. M., & Bonilla-Escobar, F. J. (2020). To Stay at Port or to Go to Sea: Are Clinical Clerkships a Double-Edged Sword During the COVID-19 Pandemic? Where Do We Go From Here?. International Journal of Medical Students, 8(2), 92–95.





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